Sunday, 11 September 2016

Without Limits

Well, thanks to my wonderful English teacher Mr Hampstead I’ve found a truly horrible thing; A maximum word limit.
Having to write a short sci-fi story sounded great, until, I realised that the word limit was 800-1000 words.

My chapters go on for over 2000 words.

The Path through the Trees is highly incomplete, and yet is 39949 words long.

The Forgotten Realm is one quarter complete and 28339 words long.

This story can be no longer than 1000 words.

So unfair.

However, this trial has inspired me to write a poem. I hope you like it! And I'm dedicating it to Jane, who I believe will agree with me and be grateful she doesn't go to a real school.

Without Limits

I stretch to the sky, my heart soaring above,
The chances are endless,
The life of the Limitless.

Can a character have feeling,
Or grow to be the best,
If we’re not Limitless?


Sooo, what d'ya think? Any good?