Thursday, 27 July 2017

The Sole of Inspiration


Okay, you would not believe this for what inspired me to make this form of inspiration.

On the bus, I was sitting there, calmly writing, and then I realsied it was Thursday. I was meant to be starting my bloggingness again. (That was totally a word.) So, I asked about for Inspiration, and a shoe was thrown at me by a “Random Weirdo” (Her words not mine). Inspiration literally struck me. And then it struck me again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Yep, five times. I was being attacked... by shoes.

I had no other choice. I had to devise a prompt about a shoe.

"A shoe? How is a shoe meant to help us rob one of the most secure places in the world?"
"You'll see. Just wait."

Well, anyone feeling as Inspired as I am? Or do I have to throw a shoe at you?

(Apologies guys for the lack of images! The computer thingamajig wasn't working and yeah. Maybe I'll fix it another time!)


  1. Goodness. XD That's certainly a prompt I could see working for several of my characters. XP

    1. Haha! Jess, it is somewhat interesting! And I wasn't joking. A shoe was literally thrown at me.

  2. This is a awesome post!:)
    and I can relate I have been inspired by random writing prompts, and I love the shoe writing prompt!:)

    1. YAY! Another lover of the shoe prompt!
      :D Thanks so much!

  3. LOL! That is actually pretty good inspiration...;-)

    1. WOW! Everyone seems to like this prompt. Tell me if you come up with anything to go with it!!!
